
Tuesday, February 28th - Daily Links

  • I figure there's no better way to break a year-plus posting sabbatical than than to brag about my wedding.  My last entry was before I had even gotten the ring, now I'm a married man with a dog that actually gets excited about making Green Wedding Shoes.


    A Home Inspired Southern Wedding: Amanda + Steve



Tuesday, February 1st - Daily Links

  • This would be very, very disappointing if true.  I was a little surprised that the Kindle app was available once the iPad came out with iBooks given Apple's previous stance on "competitive" apps, but since I've become so used to it I can't imagine going back.  My Kindle sat powerless for months until I lent it to Amanda for a trip, and I don't think there's room for the Kindle in my travel man-purse.


Saturday, Nov 20th - Daily Links

  • So very, very true, especially considering I just watched The Book of Eli last night after having it since August 19th.  Not at all worth it, guess there was a reason I tried starting it four times and never got more than ten minutes in. [Shoebox via Gizmodo]


Friday, Nov 19th - Daily Links

  • This got a very literal LOL when I opened the e-mail yesterday.  Well done, Digital Gravel ... that Bomb Atomically Socrates Philosophies shirt is calling my name.

    If you're not getting it, see here.

  • It's no surprise that a cheaper newspaper for the iPad is coming out ($4.99/month vs the ridiculous amounts that WSJ and NYT were charging), but can they really be tablet-exclusive and pass up a web presence?  I've got to wonder if the News Corp ties would be any hindrance to the more left-leaning early adopters that would be their go-live audience.


  • I've fallen behind on reading Mark Cuban's blog, and funny enough it's because of a lot of the reasons he outlines in this post from late October.  My media consumption habits have definitely changed over the last couple of years; I'm doing less downloading of new music and instead have moved more into podcasts where I can get quick bits of information/entertainment and only need to listen once (unless it's a particularly funny Daves of Thunder episode).  I think this is also why I've really come to embrace Twitter in the last year or so, I've found a good group of users to follow that are disseminating interesting links and information as opposed to the "I just had eggs for breakfast" contingent.

    For as goofy as Cuban can come across when he's at a Mavericks game, he's obviously a really, really sharp guy.




Thursday, Nov 18th - Daily Links

  • The theme of the day seems to be me trying to wrap my head around a common mindset and with this I just ... can't.  Do the royals really still mean this much, or is it just self-perpetuating media hype?

    "Retail analyst Verdict estimates that the Royal Wedding could bring in an extra $984 million to the U.K. economy next year, of which $343 million would come from travel and tourism, and the other $641 million benefiting retailers."


  • It seems like we're finally hitting a point where Android vs iOS can be a real discussion, but this could be a huge misstep for Android.  I don't play Angry Birds, I have no interest in Angry Birds, but I can at least understand how huge it is as a game and how this Android fragmentation could befuddle the average user.  The inability of a lot of these commenters to see beyond their sphere and the sense of entitlement they have gets real annoying real quick.  And as annoyingly smug as Steve Jobs' comments can be around the iPhone having a closed system, no one's been proving him wrong.


  • A very "inside baseball" link, but it's interesting for me to think about the online poker industry from an outsider's perspective rather than as a longtime grinder (similar to the Beatles announcement).  There's nothing about Phil Hellmuth that would make me want to follow him anywhere; I despise the man, or I at least despise his public persona.  How does him showing contempt for all other players make him a commodity?


  • I'm doing more and more reading/listening on the power of social media and warming up to some of those ideas, and this story hits on some of the good and bad (OH YEAAAAAAHHH).
